Your digital proof for energy and emissions data.

Track, trace, match and manage your clean energy footprint while simplifying data-driven attestation behind sustainability goals and mandates.

The Cleartrace path to proactive carbon management.


Understand your hourly emissions avoidance with source tracking.

Automate energy and emissions data collection

Ditch stale and generic energy data. Create near-real time, data-rich digital assets that include source, time, location, and grid carbon intensity data for every hour of energy you receive, produce and consume so you can get a better understanding of your environmental impact.

Consolidate hourly energy attributions

Stop the back and forth. Easily receive, collect, track, and view your attributions to validate receipt, consumption, and environmental impact.

Monitor your energy procurement and generation data

Get upstream and downstream proof of delivery and consumption. Use granular data to monitor your on-site generation, storage, grid-procured or directly-procured energy, consumption, and renewable energy certificates – all in one place.


Tell the story of your impact.

Improve visibility with hourly data

Get a better understanding of your carbon footprint. Provably match your hourly energy consumption with renewable or carbon-free sources (on-site, off-site, or grid-procured) and quantify the avoided emissions by site, state, country and globally, across your entire portfolio.

Load match your hourly consumption to carbon-free energy

Match source generation with consumption to validate purchase or delivery. View details of your grid-procured energy and on-site generation and how they align with your consumption every hour of the day.

Get on-demand energy supply, consumption, and decarbonization dashboards

Relying on manual data and static, annual reports isn’t good enough. Understand your hourly net-consumption and carbon impact by site, by state, by country, and world-wide.

green data center racks

Enable proactive carbon management and automation.

Make proactive energy decisions

Manage your decarbonization strategy with granular insights so you can optimize your renewable energy procurement for carbon impact and make more informed supply chain decisions.

Strategize energy procurement

Evaluate energy purchases and their point(s) of origin to more accurately understand how on-site and offsite energy strategies could affect your energy footprint or your consumers’ load.

Only buy the RECs you need

Real-time, net-GHG emissions reporting helps you optimize REC purchasing to reach 100% decarbonization; and you can do so in real time with precision rather than at the end of a reporting cycle, or later, which is when data from legacy systems and processes is typically available.

Get auditable proof of sustainability performance

Stand-by your sustainability claims. Cleartrace’s energy and decarbonization data protects your reputation and PR efforts with permission-accessible, auditable, transparent data.

Your data provides digital proof of compliance with corporate targets associated with renewable energy and decarbonization strategies and programs.

Upstream and downstream transparency.

We work with both energy suppliers and consumers to create a network of verified energy data.

Provide transparency to your customers

Showcase your decarbonization achievements in near-real time to benefit your business, and your customers.

Simplify data management

Manage your data – energy, on-site generation, consumption, and customer agreements – in one place, in near real-time.

Unify and streamline your energy data.

Integrate and unify your energy supply, carbon, market, and consumption data for one source of truth.


Cleartrace creates a secure connection to an end-point of your choice (directly to smart metering devices, via API, or SFTP) for both generation and consumption. We meter everything from large-scale renewables to mixed-use, multi-tenant real estate, and connect seamlessly with your existing energy, and data providers.


Once connected, Cleartrace receives the best available data from the source, transforms the incoming data to Cleartrace’s unified data model, and loads it into the system.


Data records are then enriched with valuable metadata, such as time and location-specific emission rates, market data, price data, weather and more.


You can then access your data via our dashboards, or utilize our API to ingest your data into your internal reporting tools.

Reporting consistent with Greenhouse Gas Protocols, 24/7 Carbon Free Energy Methodology, EnergyTag,  TCFD, GRESB, CDP, SASB and GRI

Take the first step toward understanding the carbon impact of your energy portfolio.

Whether it is annually, quarterly, monthly or hourly, Cleartrace can help you get the data you need to prove your progress toward decarbonization.

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