Energy Minute: Demystifying RECs & Their Role in Net Zero Goals

How can businesses and individuals offset their carbon footprint and support clean energy? Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) have been the key—and are the topic of the first Energy Minute brought to you by Cleartrace.

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How can businesses and individuals offset their carbon footprint and support clean energy? Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) have been the key—and are the topic of the first Energy Minute brought to you by Cleartrace.

RECs commoditize renewable energy and encourage investment in green energy projects. But problems arise when too much of the clean energy companies are buying isn’t coming from where and when it’s being used. Buying RECs wholesale from different parts of the country with different-grade grid conditions may not take companies far enough on their net zero emissions journey. As they say in real estate, it’s about location, location, location… and time!

Key Takeaways

  • REC markets have been critical to the growth of renewables on the grid
  • As demand for RECs grows, more solar and wind is displacing dirtier, more carbon-heavy generation
  • Demand for renewable energy is spurring innovation across industries