Create value from your green achievements

Create a carbon system of record to support your clean energy usage and corresponding emissions claims for your stakeholders.

Whether your need is having data to unlock production tax credits for 45V, customers needing proof of decarbonization, or reporting needs for other use cases, Cleartrace’s granular energy and carbon tracking platform can be configured to meet your use case.

Hydrogen and Ammonia Production

Though the regulations for 45v have not been finalized, it’s evident that the three pillars will be challenges that hydrogen producers will need to address. Cleartrace’s platform enables you to:

  • Prepare for regulatory requirements and help qualify for incentives by automatically tracking and tracing the energy value chain of your chemical production
  • Prove out the emissions impact of electrolytic hydrogen for pink and green hydrogen production
  • Connect and digitally store data to understand carbon emissions of grid procured, offsite, and onsite renewable energy
green hydrogen 45v
tenant reporting for leased office space

Leased Office Space

  • Make your sustainability achievements your competitive edge for your office space to appeal to priority tenants
  • Equip facility managers and sustainability teams with sub-metered energy and carbon reporting from a digital portal
  • Create a simple tenant and intuitive reporting experience that is backed by real data and certificates.
data center tenant reporting

Data Center Hosting

  • Market the carbon impact of your collocated data center space 
  • Provide your tenants with automated, transparent reporting down to the sub-meter
  • Give your tenants visibility into the source and chain-of-custody of the renewable energy consumed by their data center usage

Green Steel Production

  • If you are manufacturing steel products, your customers will be increasingly interested in the carbon makeup of your steel. 
  • Capture and organize your energy consumption data and ensure you have digital proof for the energy consumed to manufacture your products. 
  • Align your marketing, sales, and customer teams to share information with customers.
green steel
green bitcoin crypto

Crypto Mining

  • If you are producing green bitcoin, back it up with credible data
  • Digitally organize your RECs, Grid-procured, Offsite, and Onsite power and match them to your coin
  • Equip your sales team with receipts and proof of sustainability achievements

Have another use case?

Get in touch with our team to discuss how we can help you create a carbon system of record to backup your claims.

Transparency for your entire value chain

Regardless of how regulations materialize, get accurate data to enable audit-ready receipts of the carbon impact of your products.

Verify your emissions claims with the best available data

Whether it is annually, quarterly, monthly or hourly, Cleartrace can help you get the data you need to prove the carbon impact of your products.

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