Protecting our climate and our ability to thrive should be good for your business. Our team is passionate about helping our customers differentiate themselves, stay competitive in the long term, and establish lasting products.
Our story
Climate change is pushing businesses to create new paradigms and new ways of operating so they can thrive. And for forward looking companies, it is an opportunity to reimagine how to compete and differentiate in the market. But what do businesses need to do differently in order to begin this journey?
That’s what we asked ourselves back in 2019. We saw that businesses needed high-quality, auditable energy and carbon data to help them understand where they needed to focus their efforts. Today, Cleartrace is helping companies harness the power of carbon intelligence to redefine how they market and sell in the decarbonized economy. We provide data backed insights and the bankable proof of carbon impact needed to drive business forward.
Our vision.
Carbon Intelligence to drive decarbonization action and prove your impact.
Our leadership team.
Interested in joining Cleartrace?
View job openingsTake the first step toward understanding the carbon impact of your energy portfolio.
Whether it is annually, quarterly, monthly or hourly, Cleartrace can help you get the data you need to prove your progress toward decarbonization.
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