REC Management: When the Challenge is Allocation, Not Acquisition

The growth of markets and registries for Renewable Energy Certificates (REC) have enabled companies to book and claim large amounts of renewable energy (or simply the environmental attributes) in markets different than the ones they are operating in. For utilities and power producers, the creation and trading of RECs has created new challenges that requires […]
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Cleartrace and Partner to Accelerate Outcome-Based Support of Clean Energy

Partnership Unites Market-Leading Energy & Carbon Analytics with High-Impact RECs & Tax Credits Cleartrace is excited to partner with, a leading marketplace for high-impact RECs and clean energy tax credits that help accelerate the transition to renewable energy.  The joint offering pairs Cleartrace’s energy tracking and carbon intelligence platform – which uses hourly energy […]
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Everything You Need to Know About Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs)

Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) are a critical tool for corporations aiming to reduce their Scope 2 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. These certificates allow companies to match their electricity consumption with renewable energy generation (one REC represents one megawatt-hour (MWh) of clean energy).  While RECs are not a substitute for direct energy reduction or other decarbonization […]
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How to Reduce Scope 2 Emissions

After receiving and reviewing over 12,000 public comments  by late fall 2022, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is finally set to finalize its much-anticipated rules on climate-focused disclosures in April 2023. In addition, the European Union recently finalized its own Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, which has even more stringent reporting requirements, including for companies […]
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Iron Mountain’s Innovative 24/7 CFE Solution Lightens Its Data Center Customers’ Carbon Emissions Load, Serving 100+ U.S. Facilities

24/7 carbon-free energy (CFE) as a strategy is often looked at as near-impossible, or at least unaffordable–but Iron Mountain recently announced a landmark deal that is poised to challenge the skeptics. Iron Mountain’s innovative 24/7 CFE solution for data center customers–in partnership with RPD Energy, Direct Energy and Cleartrace–is providing a strong model, backed by […]
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Carbon Data: When Does a Company Need It?

As companies race to build out ESG and sustainability programs to measure their environmental and social impacts and set goals to address them, the critical element to starting their decarbonization journey is good baseline data. Without it, companies are forced to rely on assumptions, estimates and often far-apart observations. But putting systems in place to […]
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How to Reduce Scope 2 Carbon Emissions from Purchased Electricity

With rising international concern for global energy consumption comes the pressure to take responsibility for the reduction of carbon emissions and fossil fuel usage. Enterprise organizations are facing pressure to account for and reduce the energy—and the carbon emissions that come with it—that they produce, purchase and consume through activities related to basic operations or […]
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Scope 2 Emissions: Location-Based vs. Market-Based Carbon Accounting Methods

For organizations working to decarbonize their operations, there is a viable tension between sourcing clean energy locally or regionally through utilities and power purchase agreements (which can be more difficult, costly, and time-consuming) versus sourcing through Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) and virtual power purchase agreements (VPPAs), which is often a quantity-over-quality scenario and more expeditious […]
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Biggest Pitfalls Corporations Face with Net Zero Commitments

Answering the climate challenge and managing operational impacts is one of the largest challenges facing companies, particularly corporations with large regional or global footprints. As enterprise businesses scale up ambitions, they run the potential of making major mistakes when it comes to creating and publicizing their net zero commitments—whether those mistakes are intentional or not. […]
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GRESB: Advancing ESG Investment Data for Real Estate & Infrastructure

The health of our environment, sustainable conditions for our communities, social and economic equity, and reliable government policies are essential to growth and business prosperity. Yet, stacks of well-meaning books and hours of informed dialogue are not enough to assist in the unblinking world of large investment firms, whether hedge funds, banks, REITs, or fiduciary […]
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